특허받은비타민C Ester-C
제품 1정당 비타민C(에스터C)1000mg 함유!
천연 비타민C으로 복통및 소화불량등의 부작용을 일으키지 않습니다.
중성 형태로 위장부담이 적습니다.
체내에 최대 24시간 유지됩니다.
바이오후라보노이드 성분이 추가 함유되어 있으며, 바이오후라보노이드 성분은
비타민C 의 흡수력 및 작용력 증가에 도움을 줍니다.
하루 1정 섭취하세요.
* 본제품은 특정 질병에 대한 진단,치료를 위한 의약품이 아닌 건강보조식품입니다.
의사처방,의사처방전을 받고 계신경우(혈압,당뇨포함), 임신,수유중인경우,어린이의 경우 섭취전 담당의사
분께 상담을 권장합니다.
Ester-C® is a patented form of Vitamin C. It provides 24-hour immune support, is non-acidic, and
contains naturally-occurring metabolites for quick absorption.* Ester-C® is the most patented
Vitamin C brand in the world and, since its benefits are supported by science,
you know you are giving your body the advanced immune support it shouldn't
be without.*
24-Hour Immune Support
A recent clinical study showed that Ester-C® increased vitamin C levels in the body for up to 24
hours.1 White blood cell levels of Vitamin C were elevated in subjects receiving Ester-C® when
measured 24 hours after initial dose. The presence of key metabolites such as threonate have
been shown to be responsible for this increased level and retention of Vitamin C by the cells. No
other patented vitamin C brand can make this claim!
Naturally-Occurring Metabolites For Quick Absorption *
During the Ester-C® patented manufacturing process, vitamin C metabolites are created. These
naturally-occurring metabolites activate the vitamin C molecules in Ester-C®, making it easier and
quicker for the body to transport them from cell to cell for numerous health benefits.*
Non-Acidic and Gentle on the Stomach
In a recently published study, individuals sensitive to acidic foods were given 1 gram of vitamin C
as ascorbic acid or as Ester-C®. Subjects reported heartburn “significantly more frequent and severe
after intake of ascorbic acid” and subjects rated Ester-C® as tolerated “very good” significantly more
than ascorbic acid.2 So for anyone who has difficulty tolerating vitamin C, it is comforting to know that
Ester-C® has been clinically shown to be non-acidic and gentle on the stomach.
Why Take Ester-C®?
Ester-C® functions biologically like other forms of Vitamin C, providing antioxidant protection against free
radical damage, healthy skin, joint and vision support, cardiovascular wellness and maintenance of the
immune system.* However, Ester-C® offers so much more…quick absorption by the body and 24-hour
retention in the immune system.* Plus, since it is non-acidic, Ester-C® is gentler on the digestive system,
even when taken at high doses.*